Kodi (原 XBMC) 是一個極佳的家庭多媒體中心,且支援所有常見平台 (Apple 的 iOS 需越獄)!
只要你家裡有 NAS,配上一台 Android 平台的電視盒,簡直就是絕配,而這種組合也最省電…
當然你要用舊 PC 搭 Windows 也不是不行,但是 Windows 作業系統要錢,開機也需要時間,而且舊電腦上要有能輸出訊號到電視的輸入端子,光那張顯卡就不便宜了,而且大部分桌機的大小都不適合放在電視旁…
Kodi | Open Source Home Theatre Software
Merry Christmas and happy holidays, everyone! We are proud to announce the release of Kodi 14.0, which comes with a new name, a new logo, and a wide variety of new features, but underneath the new coat of paint remains the same software we all love. A detailed changelog for Kodi 14 can be found …